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Data Hub Help Centre
Where can I find the ESA Data Hub?The ESA Data Hub App is available to download via the Apple and Google Play Store. Please visit the App Information page for compatibility requirements. The ESA Data Hub is also available online. If you want to learn more about the app please visit
How do I link my ESA Account?After signing in the ESA Data Hub, an orange bar will appear asking you to Link Account. Hit the Link Account button and enter your ESA Username and Password used when playing with our products. SIGN-IN > LINK ACCOUNT > LINK After you have linked your account you will have access to all scores made by the account in the analysis page. You can also link your account via the Profile Settings page by editing the ESA Username section. MENU > PLAYER > SETTINGS > ESA USERNAME > LINK To link your ESA Account you will need your email/username you use with our products. This information will be available from staff members at the facility you visit. If you are not associated to a facility, visit or you can email for support.
What is the Player Index?The ESA Player Index is our new way evaluating footballing ability by using player performance on the ESA products. Our Football Department have created algorithm where your scores will be put up against the test to determine an overall score in 6 key categories; Passing, Dribbling, Shooting, Acceleration, Stamina & Vision. Your score in each of these fields will be put towards a total score based out of 100. For more information on the ESA Index, please email and speak to a member of the Football Department.
Why hasn't my score appeared after I have finished a game?After finishing your game, your score should appear within 30 seconds of competition depending on internet speed. If it doesn't appear automatically, users can refresh the page by hitting the top left button to update their Analysis. If you are still experiencing a problem, please contact your facility manager or contact ESA All scores are saved our Data Hub and can be added at anytime.
How do I change/filter the Leaderboard?Whilst on the Leaderboard page, users can filter the top 10 with a range of different options available including; Local/Global, Training Mode, Product, Duration, Gender, Age, Timescale and other options taken from your Profile. After submitting your filter options, the Leaderboard will show the selected top 10 with a everyone's high-score shown. MENU > LEADERBOARD > FILTER > SUBMIT The Leaderboard will also show your rank either in the top 10 highlighted in white, or your position at the bottom of the top 10 again highlighted in white. If you have set up a Private Leaderboard, this will be filterable underneath the Local/Global section.
How do I add a friend on the ESA Data Hub App?To add Friends you can do this by going to the All Friends page under the Friends tab in the Menu. From here you will be able view all your current friends, add any new ones and also remove anyone if you wish. To add a friend you will need to know their email. MENU > FRIENDS > ALL FRIENDS > ADD FRIEND > ADD FRIEND
How do I sign-up to the Data Hub?To sign-up to the ESA Data Hub, you will need to fill in the registration form via the app or online hub. If you already have a username linked to our products, please also include this whilst signing up to ensure all of your scores migrate. Linking your account can be done at a later stage via the Profile Settings section.
I didn't receive my activation email?The activation email should be visible via the inbox of the email account you used to register. If it has not appeared in your inbox after 10 minutes, please check your junk mail. If the email is still not found in your junk, please check the email address you entered whilst registering. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact with your name and we will activate your account for you.
I have forgotten my password?If you have forgotten your password please click 'forgot password?', enter in your email address connected with your ESA Account. You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password.
Didn't receive the forgot password email?The forgot password email should be visible via the inbox of the email account you entered. If it has not appeared in your inbox after 10 minutes, please check your junk mail. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact with your email address and we will reset your password for you.
How do I link my ESA Account?After signing in the ESA Data Hub, an orange bar will appear asking you to Link Account. Hit the Link Account button and enter your ESA Username and Password used when playing with our products. SIGN-IN > LINK ACCOUNT > LINK After you have linked your account you will have access to all scores made by the account in the analysis page. You can also link your account via the Profile Settings page by editing the ESA Username section. MENU > PLAYER > SETTINGS > ESA USERNAME > LINK To link your ESA Account you will need your email/username you use with our products. This information will be available from staff members at the facility you visit. If you are not associated to a facility, visit or you can email for support.
How do I create/edit my Player Profile?The Player Profile is your home of player information. Whilst creating/editing your Player Profile you can enter your name, gender, nationality, age, foot preference and even playing position. All of these selections can be used as filters on the Leaderboard page. When first signing in you will be prompted to create your profile, this can all be changed at a later date by editing your profile. MENU > PLAYER > EDIT PROFILE > UPDATE PLAYER PROFILE
What is the Player Index?The ESA Player Index is our new way evaluating footballing ability by using player performance on the ESA products. Our Football Department have created algorithm where your scores will be put up against the test to determine an overall score in 6 key categories; Passing, Dribbling, Shooting, Acceleration, Stamina & Vision. Your score in each of these fields will be put towards a total score based out of 100. For more information on the ESA Index, please email and speak to a member of the Football Department.
Why is my ESA Index not changing after my session?There are several training modes which contribute to the individual ESA Index stats. Users are encouraged to play a range of training modes for a balanced review of performance. In order to see your ESA Index score after a session, you will need to reload the ESA Data Hub and you should then see your ESA Index update.
What is the Analysis?The Analysis is the new home of all of your ESA sessions data. Each time you sign-in and use our products, all of your scores will be recorded under the Analysis tab. This can filtered in several different ways by Training Mode, Product, Duration and Date, allowing you to track performance over a particular day, week or month. You can even filter through scores to display your last 10, 25, 50 or 100. Analysis highlights are available at the bottom of the ESA Data Hub for web viewers. But it doesn't stop there, you can also select any one of your individual scores to analyse which shows score and pass accuracy %.
Can I learn more about my session?Yes, you can find out much more about your session on the Analysis page. Simply open up anyone of your sessions by hitting the expand icon below your data on Phone and to the right of your data on Web. Opening up your session gives you more detail on the session (Session Info) and performance (Session Stats). You can also connect to your smart watch and record fitness data, allowing you to also view Steps, Metres Covered, Calories Burnt and Heart Rate.
Why hasn't my score appeared after I have finished a game?After finishing your game, your score should appear within 30 seconds of competition depending on internet speed. If it doesn't appear automatically, users can refresh the page by hitting the top left button to update their Analysis. If you are still experiencing a problem, please contact your facility manager or contact ESA All scores are saved our Data Hub and can be added at anytime.
How can I track my fitness?To gather the most accurate data during your session, please make sure that you begin a workout on your smart watch before playing. Please ensure you have granted the ESA Data Hub app permission to access your health data via your smart phone. After opening up your individual session, hit the sync button and your Fitness Data should appear showing Steps, Metres Covered, Calories Burnt and Heart Rate. MENU > ANALYSIS > EXPAND SESSION > SYNC For more information or any issues you are experiencing with the Health Analysis please email
What is the Leaderboard?The Leaderboard page is a live top 10 ranking of the all-time best scores. This can be filtered down to your facility, product, age etc but will always show the best 10 scores and also your position either within that or ranking outside of the top 10.
How do I change/filter the Leaderboard?Whilst on the Leaderboard page, users can filter the top 10 with a range of different options available including; Local/Global, Training Mode, Product, Duration, Gender, Age, Timescale and other options taken from your Profile. After submitting your filter options, the Leaderboard will show the selected top 10 with a everyone's high-score shown. MENU > LEADERBOARD > FILTER > SUBMIT The Leaderboard will also show your rank either in the top 10 highlighted in white, or your position at the bottom of the top 10 again highlighted in white. If you have set up a Private Leaderboard, this will be filterable underneath the Local/Global section.
How do I see the Leaderboard I created with my Friends?If you have added a Friend and they have accepted, you can create a Private Leaderboard. These leaderboards can then be viewed under the Local/Global filter on the Leaderboard page. MENU > LEADERBOARD > FILTER > SELECT PRIVATE LEADERBOARD > SUBMIT
How do I add a friend on the ESA Data Hub App?To add Friends you can do this by going to the All Friends page under the Friends tab in the Menu. From here you will be able view all your current friends, add any new ones and also remove anyone if you wish. To add a friend you will need to know their email. MENU > FRIENDS > ALL FRIENDS > ADD FRIEND > ADD FRIEND
How do I make a Leaderboard with my Friends?To create a Leaderboard you can do this under the Leaderboard tab in the Menu. Menu > Leaderboards > Add Leaderboard > Name your leaderboard > Create.
How can I accept a friend invite?After someone has asked you to become their friend, you will either have to accept or decline the invitation. First the recipient will receive a notification either under the notification page (mobile) or by clicking the bell (desktop). They will also receive an email alerting them of a new friend invitation. From there you will see someone has asked you to be a friend which you then accept by going to the invitations page under the friends tab. You can then accept or decline. MENU > FRIENDS > INVITATIONS > ACCEPT/DECLINE If accepted the friend will now appear in the All Friends page of both users. The sender will also get a notification showing the recipient has accepted the request.
I have accepted my Friend Request/Request to Join Leaderboard, why is it still showing a Notification?Accepting or declining a invitation will not delete the notification, to remove it you will need to click that you have read it or delete the notification itself. After this it won't show the notification under the tab or by the bell on desktop.
I have a Notification to join my Friends Leaderboard or Become a Friend but can't accept?In order to accept an invite, you will need to go to the Invitations page under the Friends tab. This will then show all received invitations and sent invitations. MENU > FRIENDS > INVITATIONS > ACCEPT/DECLINE All friends and private leaderboards you accept will be removable at any stage, simply unfriend via the All Friends page or hit the Leave Leaderboard button on the private leaderboard you wish to leave from. If you have any issues with the Friends tab or your Notifications, please email or ask a member of staff at your facility.
Click below to download the ESA Data Hub application on your smart phone or tablet or visit the Data Hub webpage.

Setting up the Data Hub is simple and easy for all current and new ESA product users. Download our User Guide for step-by-step guidance on how you can link your account and get started.
If you would like more information about the Hub and how it can transform your data analysis after sessions, please click learn more to download the Promo brochure.

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